BHV3000-312- Phase 3, Multicenter, Open-Label Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Rimegepant for the Acute Treatment of Migraine (With or Without Aura) in Children and Adolescents.
This study is a 58-week study for people who complete the study BHV3000-311 to receive open-label Rimegepant.
This trial is accepting new patients aged 12-17.
Basic Enrollment Criteria:
- 12-17 years of age
- Have had a history of migraines for at least the last 6 months
- Willing to comply with study visits and requirements
- Completed trial BHV3000-311
The age group of 6-11 is not open for enrollment at this time but will be in the future.
Basic Enrollment Criteria:
- 12-17 years of age
- Have had a history of migraines for at least the last 6 months
- Willing to comply with study visits and requirements
- Completed trial 3110-305-002